
Life abroad

Living abroad isn't easy and Hong Kong isn't perfect. 
There are days when I love it here, but I'd be kidding myself, and all of you, if I claimed that life in Hong Kong is always grand.

Sometimes, all I want is America.  
I want to turn on the radio and hear the Top 20.
I want to be able to pick up the phone and talk whenever I want. 
I want to turn on the TV and flip through 1000 channels.
I want to feel like I'm not missing out on our friends and families lives. 
I want to stroll the asiles of Target wasting away the afternoon.
I want to walk the dog without fearing a taxi or bus is going to run me over.  
I want to go shopping. 

This weekend I hated Hong Kong...

I hated the customer service. 
I hated paying $7.50 for a $4 Hallmark card. 
I hated the way the sales people would whisper behind your back when a question was asked. 
I hated how the sidewalks were used as a construction dumping ground. 
I hated getting in taxis that smelled of smoke. 
I hated the language barrier.
I hated thinking that America was better...
I hated thinking that I was superior to the men and women whose country I live in. 

This blog is my scrapbook of our life in Hong Kong, and one day, when we're back in America, I want to remember that it wasn't always easy. 


Amanda said...

I hate that you are far away too and that you can't pop out to the park with me for a long walk with the pups or get a quick mani-pedi. But I also am jealous of your adventure- and the ups and downs of it all! Sure- America has a few things going for it- but overall Americans never slow down, we are obsessed with ourselves and sales people still seem to whisper behind your back when you ask a question...only here you can totallyunderstand what they are saying! Talk about RUDE! xoxo-'Man

Unknown said...

yes, there are days when we all suffer from "grass is greener" disease and wish we were somewhere else. best remedy is gratitude - taking note of just a couple of things that you are grateful for and sitting with that feeling for a while. it doesn't always take away your sting, but the "hurt" is softer. hang in there for the really good days. you'll be richer for it! xoxo Anne

nordy said...

You and Michael have captivated us with your adventure and the romance of your life experience. It is easy for us to forget that you have tough days too. There is nothing more difficult yet more enriching than the experience the two of you are living, and I feel privileged that you are sharing it with us. Tomorrow is a new day, take a moment to appreciate something, the warm sun, a child going to school, the beauty of your city. Then put your big girl panties on and get ready to go to India. If you are still in a funk let me know and I will forward you my new blog, "The life and times of Mr. Melbatoast"!!!!
Love ya,

Kim said...

Things that might make you feel better....
*Bitching...(sometimes helps!)
*Dudley's wagging tail and doggie kisses.
*Sunshine and blue sky to warm your skin and uplift your spirit (will it be sunny in India??!)
*Comfy PJ's
*Call home!!
*Look out your window and marvel at your beautiful city at night.
*A hug and kiss for Michael when he walks in the door.
* Call a girlfriend.
* Retail therapy (works in the US!)
* Look forward to your newest adventure!
*Call home, call home, call home!!
* WE LOVE YOU! Tomorrow will be a better day!

Natasha said...

I hear you, I hear you, I hear you!! Living abroad can definitely be frustrating and you captured exactly how I feel on my bad days here. So just know you're not alone! xoxox

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, do you have nothing positive to say? I'm so tired of reading this crap...oh woe is me... :) You know I'm just messing with you! It's nice to hear that your life isn't just jet setting from beautiful destinations all the time. We all miss you and Michael but don't forget that there are things you hated in the states. Even the top 20 in traffic is no fun. Love ya!!!