
Tuesday Night Photos

The sky was beautiful tonight and I couldn't help but snap a few shots. 

 Hanging outside of a 27th story window to take pictures is normal, right?!?
 I sometimes forget just how dense Hong Kong is. Seeing it in pictures always surprises me. Would you ever give up your backyard for this?!? 
 ...I can't tell you how much I miss my backyard. 
 You can faintly see the bamboo scaffolding on the building covered with a green tarp. Crazy, huh?
In other news....
Somebody got a haircut tonight.
 He wanted his picture taken, so he posed for me. 

 then he got fed up..
...and was over it.  
Not that I can blame him. 
I got some good tips on Apraxia on facebook, so thank you! Feel free to continue commenting on this topic, as I'll keep checking back. Thank you so much for responding!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow...HK is BEAUTIFUL without haze, and Dudley looks so handsome! I miss seeing Dudley run around your back yard. I bet he misses it too, although I must say he has adapted to being a city dog so very well!
xx Mom