
Off Again...

Friday is National Day in Hong Kong...
So, we're taking off!
Can you guess where we'll be?
We're pretty excited!

The Shellenberg's

Did you miss me?
I've been in the States for the past week....
Jill and JJ tied the knot! 
It was a whirlwind of a trip back. I was in Charlotte for two days and then we were in Columbia until Sunday for the wedding. I hopped on a plane early Monday morning to head back. Whew. 

The wedding was beautiful. Jill is one of my sweet, sweet cousins and it was so good to be home with family and celebrate the Shellenberg's. 

Enjoy a few pics from the big day. 
Don't they look smashing in their Hong Kong suits?!?!

My lovely cousins...
and with the boys.

Loved being with all of you...thanks for a wonderful weekend!


...A beautiful morning...

It rained ALL weekend. 

Saturday consisted of watching 7 episodes of "The Wire" to avoid the downpour.
(p.s...we love "The Wire". A great series if you're looking for one.)

But this is what I woke up to. Look at that Carolina Blue Sky!!!

Days like this make me love this city.

I hope your Monday morning views are just as beautiful!


Big Changes...

So long are my days of a lady of leisure...

This girl has got a J-O-B!

I'm actually really excited about this opportunity, and it feels like a good time to hop back into the working world. I'll be working for a private practice here in Hong Kong along with 2 other speech therapists and 2 occupational therapists. As of now, it looks like I'll be developing a caseload in one of the schools in the outlying islands, and I'll have some sessions in the clinic. 

I'll only be working 3 days a week, so I'll continue to volunteer at Mother's Choice at least 1 other day. 

I must admit, I'm a bit sad to see my leisurely lifestyle disappear, but it has been a wonderful year of exploring Hong Kong. 
We went out on Friday night to celebrate and had a great time.

 I'll start getting my feet wet this week and will work a few days, and then I'm back in the States for a week. After I get back, I think it'll be full-speed ahead. 

This will be good, right?!?!? 



I hope ya'll are enjoying your Labor Day weekends! Monday is a work day here in Hong Kong, so no long-weekend for us....we do get a holiday the beginning of October, so no complaints from my end. 

We spent Saturday on a junk with some friends.
It poured all day on Friday, so we were really worried about being caught in the rain. Junks don't cancel unless it's a Typhoon 8 warning or black rain, so we set sail Saturday morning in the clouds.

It was a great day nonetheless and ended with a fierce round of Catchphrase.
Enjoy your short week!


Good News/Bad News

Good news...
No tear in my knee, which means no surgery.

(I was diagnosed with a potential ACL tear and lots of bone bruising. The doc said I was lucky and suspects I came close to a torn ACL. From the MRI, it looks as if there's a partial tear, but it's hard to verify. The potential tear can hopefully repair itself with time. In the interim, I'm off to physical therapy. UGH.) 

Bad news...
No running/field hockey/high impact sports for 8 weeks. 

Goodbye field hockey. 
I hope we can meet again come November. 