Nancy Kissel, the American expatriate, was found guilty of murder for a second time on Friday, six years after she was first jailed for killing her Merrill Lynch banker husband.

Nancy and her husband, Robert
This retrial lasted 47 days and took the jury 10.5 hours to reach a unanimous sentence for murder. In Hong Kong, a murder conviction carries a mandatory life sentence in prison.

Nancy today
This saga, known as the "Milkshake Murder" happened in November 2003. The Kissel's were living here at the time of the murder.
Nancy drugged her husband (and a friend of his) with a sedative-laced milkshake, and then killed him with a heavy, lead ornament. She then proceeded to roll him in a carpet and asked her doormen to put his body in their storage unit.

This story is heavily followed by the expat population in Hong Kong. Actually, before moving here, MP and I saw a lifetime movie about the murder. Have you seen it?
If the story really intrigues you, pick up the book (I know I've mentioned it before...)

A sad end to a story with no possible positive outcome.
"Guilty", here are the real questions, what happened to the friend who was drugged and did she have to tip the doorman to store her dead husband?? Gene
I worked as Joe McGinniss' publicist at S&S when that book came out. Such a crazy, weird story!
No tips for the doorman...they ultimately called the police, as the stench was so terrible. Can you even believe it?
Julie, I can't believe you were his publicist! After reading the book, you could tell he was pro-Robert, and really portrayed Nancy as terrible wife. Not that she isn't crazy, but the book was pretty one-sided. Thanks for the comment...Hope you are doing great!
I think I told you when you posted a pic on the house last year that John's nephew's wife was in the movie, The Two Mr. Kissells. Rachel Hodson was one of the "friends" that had a few lines -- kind of an interview of several friends set-up. We watched the movie beacuse of Rachel, but it was weird. Strange family, strange actions -- no big surprise on the re-trial. Sad really.
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