
Siem Reap

Angkor Wat is on the top of everyone's list....a must-see place that doesn't seem to disappoint any of its visitors. I tried not to listen to how much everyone loved it, for fear of being underwhelmed when we finally had the chance to take our trip.
Angkor Wat is an architectural masterpiece. This 900 year old beauty is what drives flocks of tourists to Cambodia. We were lucky enough to go during off-season...the tourist groups weren't around every bend, which made it a perfect time. It was hot though. Really hot. 

The green-tarps were a bit of an eye-sore, and Natasha and I were really annoyed that they didn't at least choose black. They are trying to preserve it and are doing lots of reconstruction around different parts of the complex.
We rose pre-dawn to see it. As soon as we took this picture, MP was heading off to the woods. Poor guy must have gotten some food poisoning the night before and ended up having quite a rough morning. 
  After hurling on few temples, and on the side of a Catholic Church, we sent him back to the hotel.  I spent the rest of the morning with Nick and Natasha and we picked MP up after lunch to join us at the last temple.
It was Easter Sunday, so we tried to go to this precious church. MP and I didn't make it to the service...

 After breakfast, we made our way to the back of Angkor Wat.
 The grounds were beautiful.

We traveled to the top "story", where only the King resided...it was alot of space for just 1 person to hang out. 
It was beautiful and spiritualistic.

The temple really was unbelievable.
Afterwards, we made our way to the Bayon Temple.

This was my favorite!

 Do you see the faces?!? 216 of them are here...

It was unlike any place I've ever been.

Our last stop was Ta Prohm.
 This was the site of the movie, Tomb Raider, starring Angelina Jolie.

 Banyan Tree roots weave through the temple.

 Here we are channeling our inner Laura Croft.

 Such an enchanting place to end our temple tour.
We rounded out our Cambodian adventure with bike tour through the countryside.  

 Although this wasn't my favorite tour, I do think that bike tours are fantastic ways to see a country.
 You're able to get away from the tourists and see areas you wouldn't normally be able to.

What a fantastic trip! 
Each country in Asia we visit is so different from the next. Each one has its own charm. I hope you'll add Cambodia and Angkor Wat to your list of "places to go!"

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