
Rugby Seven's

It was a big weekend here in Hong Kong. Since August, we've been hearing about the infamous "Seven's"... Did we have our tickets, will we dress up? We were told it was a little bit like Mardi Gras meets the Super Bowl, meets Halloween. And, let me tell you, it didn't disappoint.

The Seven's is a Rugby tourney held all over the world: Scotland, England, New Zealand, Las Vegas, Dubai, South Africa, and Hong Kong. The tournament orginated in Hong Kong, and they say it's the biggest one in the world. The Seven's is a cut-down version of traditional rugby: seven players on either side for two seven minute halves. The men are buff, the shorts are short, and there are no pads.
We got to the stadium at 8:15 am to secure our seats in the South Stands. I was told you have to sit up high, as the lower you are, the sloppier it gets...lots of things may be thrown on you (I'll leave it at that). The first game started at 10:30, and by 3:00pm it was time for the Phipps to call it a day. The stands were out of control, and everyone had been drinking since the wee hours, if not continuing from the Friday night before.

As you can tell, we were "Team USA".  We had them made in China, and they really turned out great! The costumes at the event were incredible...some hilarous, others inappropriate. There was quite a bit of Tiger Woods mockery going on.

It was a fun day. Saturday was enough for me, but Michael went back Sunday for a couple hours. He avoided the South Stands this time.

I'm not posting the front of this costume...use your imagination!
We all LOVED the Avatar guy. If you need an amazing Halloween costume, this is it. He even had the ears and feet.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We're off to Vietnam on Wednesday, so I wont' be posting for a week or so. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Thinking of all of you!


Steph said...

this is hilarious and looks like so much fun! :) great costume idea!!

Unknown said...

How interesting to be able to participate in this global event! Too funny!

Have a great trip to Vietnam. Look forward to more pics and traveling vicariously with the Phipps..........

xoxo Anne