Michael has been in Tokyo all week, so I have been holding down the fort here at 80 Robinson. I've been okay by myself and have been keeping busy, but it's times like these that I miss him so much...the deep sighs, growls, walks, snuggling, and wet kisses. Not Michael, DUDLEY! Dudley is not here, and when Michael travels, Duds is my buddy. It feels pretty lonely here without him.
This picture was taken the week we left...I think he knew we were about to leave him :)
There won't be any snow for him here...good thing he likes the heat! RIGHT. 

Dudley will be arriving December 3 and the date can't come quick enough! We've had some road blocks that we weren't expecting, but I think we've finally ironed out all the details. He'll be flying from Charlotte to New York. Staying a couple days in New York, and then flying to Hong Kong. My mom and dad have been saviors these past few months looking after him. I've never worried about Dudley and know he has been in heaven in Charlotte...running in the woods with Dad, rolling around in deer poop, kicking Dad out of bed due to his snoring, and having another doggie buddy, Winston, to pal around with. I'm not sure who will miss him more...Winston or Dad. 

I know you've now seen enough pictures of Dudley to last a lifetime---thanks for bearing with me on this one. I miss him. Alot. He's my furry baby, my buddy, and a part of our family. Without him here, something's been missing. We can't wait to welcome him to Hong Kong!

Awww Dudley is the cutest! And there is no such thing as too many pictures! I have actually contemplated posting a picture of Sera daily on my blog. Then I remembered that other people might not be as obsessed and enamored with her as I am.
Good luck with the Duds and his travels! I know you will be happy to see him and have a 24/7 pal when Michael is traveling. He is kinda cute. :-) xoxo Anne
Sniff,sniff...I think I will shed a few tears when Dudley embarks on his big journey! Dad and I and Winston have grown to love our adorable little house guest (all except his hair everywhere, and hogging the bed!)He is such a personality, and I just want to be certain that Jillian knows how precious this cargo will be. I will worry until he is safe and sound with you and Michael in HK, but I'm glad you will finally be getting your best pal back!
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