There is only one spot in Hong Kong to buy all your Halloween necessities, and that's Pottinger Street. It's a steep street in Central with little outdoor shops providing anything you could wish for. Here is where our one-stop shopping happened.

Tai-tai: Pronounced "tie tie". A lady who lunches, who is married to a rich ex-pat, who shops, eats out, and plays...all day. I came across this blog when trying to find the perfect definition. I thought it was funny.
So, this year for Halloween, I dressed up as a tai-tai (see my two ties??), and Michael was my rich, banker husband. We went to a party in the Midleves on a roof-top terrace and then tried to hit Lan Kwai Fong afterwards. LKF was so slammed with people that we couldn't even get in. The roads were blocked and the police were routing people only one direction. Supposedly, it was a 2 hour walk just to get in. I can't imagine what the scene was like. Needless to say, we didn't make it.

We saw some great costumes, but this guy won the prize. He was a cook. A very tall cook. A cook that couldn't talk to anyone all night because he was towering over them. I loved it!

Hope you all had wonderful Halloweens. Can't wait to see your pictures, so send them my way. And...just for the record...I am not a tai-tai. :)
1 comment:
Looks like fun and I like the costumes. Our Halloween was rainy and gray in Charlotte, with only the kids next door coming for candy. Now we have left over candy -- not good for us. Of course, if we had had a lot of kids, I think Prince would have been "crated." He get rather wound up with visitors! Always next year....... xoxo Anne
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