Today was a bank holiday, so yesterday we went to Macau for the night. Agassi and Sampras were going head-to-head in a tennis match, so of course, we, along with the other hundreds of ex-pats flocked across the Harbor to check out the American showdown! It was so great---Sampras defeated Agassi 3-2, and then he won again in doubles. The doubles match was played with 2 junior players, one being, an American, Ryan Harrison. The doubles was the best, as they both were wearing microphones, so we could hear the banter back and forth. Agassi chose to trash-talk, while Sampras preferred to mock Agassi's serving routine. It was hilarous and we were laughing throughout the entire match.

Afterwards we had dinner with some friends and then tried our luck at the tables. Macau wasn't as nice to Michael this go-around. I keep telling him he's losing my Bali money (we're going for Christmas), but he's still playing with winnings, so he's says it's okay. I lost $13 on the slots. It about killed me. I hate the slots. I will never play them again. I'll stick to watching alongside the Blackjack table.

Hope ya'll had a great weekend! Halloween is pretty big here, so if you have any easy and cheap costume ideas, send them our way. There's no "Party City" so we have to get creative :)
sounds pretty awesome- I have never heard of that before at a tennis match. Is that a normal thing or is it just that after the US Open and the Sarena incidence, they decided to put a microphone on players?!
Bali for Christmas!! WOW! How exciting for both of you. Can't wait for the pics. xoxo Anne
I remember you being a precious Native American back in second grade. A tea stained pillowcase, suede belt and a few beads and feathers and Happy Halloween.
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