Michael and I have moved to Hong Kong for about 2 years. Please stay connected with us as we embark on daily life and travel through Asia. We are so grateful for this opportunity!
Right now, I'm in the middle of my 1st typhoon warning! YES! We're at a 3 (the levels are 1, 3, and 8). When you reach 8, all stores and markets close, and no one can leave their house/business. I don't think we'll get to 8, but a 3 is a little exciting. Typhoons are common in August and September. Who's coming in August!?!?
This is one of the guest rooms.
Here I am at the 2nd entrance to the building.
Can't wait for you to come vist!
As most of you can attest, I am not independent. I would never use this adjective to describe myself, nor would my family. I hate doing things by myself: eating, shopping, watching TV, going to the grocery. Hong Kong is forcing me to step outside of my dependence on others and be solo. Today, I became brave.....
After the gym, I decided to take the subway down to Causeway Bay, which is the "Times Square" of Hong Kong. Maybe I was a little zealous, but I was enjoying my "Can Do" attitude on the subway. That is until I came out into a sea of Asians, all carrying their favorite Louis Vuitton bags and wearing their Prada sunglasses. My Banana Republic t-shirt and TJ Maxx shorts were just not cutting it. I took a deep breath and joined the school of fish anxious to find our first purchases.
Causeway Bay is filled with malls. You don't realize from the outside it's really a mall until you see the escalator that takes you up 12 floors. They have the high end brands in EVERY one (Louis, Gucci, Prada, Fendi, Chanel, Armani, etc, etc) and people are actually in these stores buying things. Other than these high-end brands, I didn't recognize a single one, except Polo. Pretty crazy. Here are some pics of a couple of the malls.
Look what else I found...