
Hungry Kids in HK

Our food intake over here has decreased quite a bit. For me, this might not be a bad thing. For Michael...well, that's another story. There are a few reasons we're going on a starvation diet:

1). There is very little American food in our small Park 'N' Shop
2). If there is American food, it's imported and very expensive
3). I'm afraid of the wet fish market and meat hanging from strings in the store window
4). I haven't yet ventured into the larger supermarkets....WELL, THAT IS UNTIL TODAY

I decided to make it my mission today to find us food to eat. There are some larger supermarkets around the city, but they aren't right around the corner, and I really haven't been sure of their locations. I first ventured to Gateway, which is a SMALL Costco/Sam's type store. I mean, probably 1/100 the size of Costco, but nonetheless, they have a small selection of American food. I was so excited to find Splenda (I ended up paying over $30 for 1000 packets), PAM, and Mr. Newman's light honey mustard dressing. I did buy a Ranch packet so Michael can make Ranch salad dressing. He's super excited. If you need any Splenda, I'll be happy to send you some.
My real excitement of the day was going to the City Super. This is almost like a Harris Teeter or Fresh Market. I about peed my pants. I picked up some yogurt, chicken sausages, sliced deli turkey, and a lean cuisine for dinner (as Michael has a meeting tonight). I'm already starting to feel at home :)
On another note, my coffee yesterday morning was great. We listened to an American woman who has started her own business/non-profit agency using recycled fabrics and rice bags to create wallets and purses called Bez and Oho. (http://www.bezandoho.com/) She employs Hong Kong women and helps them build work skills and self-esteem, but still gives them time to look after their families. Each bag is hand-crafted and all money goes back into the program. Check out the website. Of course I had to buy a wallet. The market bag is next on my list!

After the coffee, some of the women in my group walked around the city. Here are a few us on the outdoor balcony at the China Club (where one of the women is a member). It almost looks like I have friends! They are all really sweet and I enjoyed hanging out yesterday.

Right now, I'm in the middle of my 1st typhoon warning! YES! We're at a 3 (the levels are 1, 3, and 8). When you reach 8, all stores and markets close, and no one can leave their house/business. I don't think we'll get to 8, but a 3 is a little exciting. Typhoons are common in August and September. Who's coming in August!?!?


Kim said...

So....what's for dinner tonight? What size fridge will you have in 80 Robinson? You better run to City Shop to get bread and milk if a typhoon is coming!You may have to be hunkered down for a while! I'd put peanut butter on the list too! Love ya, Mom

Unknown said...

Is there one of those stores near 80 Robinson? Michael needs to find the Chinese equivalent of Ensure to keep his weight, least he will blow away in the typhoon!! I will try to check out the Weather Channel to see what is happening over there. I hope some of the ladies you meet will become friends as you learn the island. You guys take care, Gene

Pam Phipps said...

Ok---Here goes ---hoping my comments will finally get to you! 80 Robinson looks just awesome! Can see both of you having so much fun fixing it up with a fun out of the box look! Go Lauren---your creativity is flowing!Proud of your food/market search---quite the challenge.Find some good things Michael will like---he needs to gain weight!Love,Pam

Unknown said...

This looks so much better than the chicken foot dim sum experience! :-) Anne