
New Kid on the Block

Yesterday was my first meeting with the "At Home" group, a part of the English Speaking Members Department of the YWCA. The class was full (11 people) and we're all expats. There are mostly British and Australian ladies in the group, but there is ONE American...ME.

Yes, I am the lone American expat. I guess, I'm not really the only one...there are 2 ladies who were born in the US, but they have since lived all over the world (Africa, Germany, London, Switzerland, back to London, etc).

Hong Kong is many of the women's first placements, like ours, but some have traveled with their husbands' jobs all over the place. They were all pretty shocked that I've lived in North Carolina my entire life. Many of the women are older and came over with children, but there are 2 other girls about my age with no children (YAY!) We spent the morning going over some "culture" things and then had lunch together at the Y. It's going to be a great experience for me. The Australian woman who "teaches" the class says that all of her groups stay together...many start supper clubs or book clubs and remain friends.

Speaking of making friends, I get these strange urges to stop anyone I see walking down the road who looks Western and ask them to be my friend. Michael says I'm not allowed to do so. There was an Indian guy in the elevator yesterday, and I swear he was wearing a Vineyard Vines tie. I had to bite my tongue. I wanted to know if he had a wife who spoke English, but thought that may be somewhat inappropriate to ask.

Tomorrow there is a coffee at Helena May (http://www.helenamay.com/), a women's only club that we're able to go to through the YWCA. You usually have to be a member, but we get to go if we're with the Y. There should be lots of expats there. I went today and signed up for another course through the Y...a Shenzhen shopping trip, of course! Shenzhen is in China and is supposed to have amazing shopping for cheap (fabric, bags, tailored suits, furniture, clothes, etc). There is also an Art Tour, where you can go and they'll paint whatever you like for dirt cheap. I really want to go on that one too. The Y offers some great courses, so I definitely want to take advantage of them.

This was a rambling post...I promise to post more pictures soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lauren, the Y sounds like an eye opening experience!! Those women might have more travel experience but you have more enthusiasm. The other Y sessions also sound like fun. Did you sign up for the apt. on Robinson? Any stumbling blocks? Did you get a chance to ask the other ladies at the Y group where they shop for food? Other than rice, I mean. You seem to have that covered. Later, Gene