A week from Monday we'll be moving into 80 Robinson. So, this weekend we spent ALL day Saturday and Sunday in Horizon Plaza. It consists of 28 floors of home furnishings, mattresses, beds, lighting stores, and outlet stores (Prada, Armani, Club Monaco...). This has proven quite the task for the non-interior decorator and her husband. We are spent. We even looked so dejected that another ex-pat handed us her business card in the elevator, saying she was an interior decorator and would be glad to help! HA! Poor Michael is getting a taste of home decorating at its finest. Needless to say, he never wants to go back to Horizon Plaza. Ever.
We have made some progress though. We've purchased a custom couch that's being made, an ottoman, and a mattress and bed (we think). Furniture shopping is much different in HK than in the US. Rooms are much smaller, bed dimensions are different, and most furniture you get needs to be custom. You can't just go out and buy a queen bed/mattress like you do in the States. We still have lots to tackle...curtains, light fixtures, TV. I think we'll both be happy when all of this is over!

I wanted to show you a picture of what happens on Sundays here. Most families have "helpers" in HK. The helpers are Filipino or Malaysian women that live in your home, in a room no bigger than a closet (usually in the kitchen), and cook, clean, take care of your children, run your errands, do your grocery shopping, etc. I know it seems outrageous, but it's part of life here. If you don't have a helper, people wonder why. (No, we're not getting a helper)!
Sunday is their day off. They congregate in passages around town (here we are walking towards the bus station). They lay out their cardboard or newspaper to sit on, give each other manis/pedis, eat, play bingo or cards, and dance to Michael Jackson music. It's quite the sight. Many people don't want to go out on Sunday's because the helpers are everywhere! We got back tonight at 7:30 pm and many groups were still hanging out. It's an all-day affair.
On another note, how 'bout those Heels this weekend?!!? Wish we could have watched that game!
Stay tuned with the Heels. The Panthers are not looking too good, although our performance against Atlanta was an improvement. Not a win, just an improvement on losing. :-(
Oh, how I wish I were there to shop with you! You know house shopping is my favorite kind! Can't wait to see 80 Robinson all fixed up! Just got back from a walk....Dudley has plopped with his pink tongue hanging out and panting! xx!Mom
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